Friday, 21 March 2014

Completion and Reflection on Flash Banner Project

Recently I have been in the process of creating an interactive Flash Banner which would promote a charity, I conducted research into other successful Flash Banners and have adopted their techniques in the design of my flash banner. I used a screenshot of the Ebay homepage in order to simulate it's positioning when it's actually hosted.

 I'm overall very happy with how my Flash banner turned as I think it's eye catching enough on the ebay page to grab the attention of ebay shoppers. I've implemented various dynamic effects such as a dynamic underwater background, custom cursor and dynamic  transitions between pages. One thing which I could improve on in future, is my use of space in the micro-site as I think i've got too much free space on the site which could of been used for more content or external links to useful sources. I believe I developed the flash banner sufficiently enough that it will appeal to my desired target audience which is basically a browsing e-commerce audience who are more likely to part with their money while in an online shopping spree.

I enjoyed making this project as it required me to use various adobe software, Photoshop, After Effects and flash, collaboratively to make the desired design I wanted. I enjoyed this particular workflow as I had a clear understanding in how to implement everything and this is probably a common workflow used in industry.  

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