Sunday, 25 January 2015
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Final Iteration Source Code
import lusidOSC.*;
LusidClient lusidClient;
PFont font;
PImage img1;
PImage img2;
PImage img3;
PImage img4;
PImage img5;
PImage img6;
PImage img7;
PImage img8;
PImage img9;
PImage img10;
PImage imgS;
PImage imgS2;
PImage imgS3;
PImage imgS4;
PImage imgS5;
boolean keyUnlock1 = false;
boolean keyUnlock2 = false;
boolean keyUnlock3 = false;
boolean keyUnlock4 = false;
boolean keyUnlock5 = false;
Movie myMovie;
Movie myMovie2;
Movie myMovie3;
Movie myMovie4;
Movie myMovie5;
boolean sketchFullScreen() {
return true;
// setup: gets called once when the application starts.
void setup()
imgS = loadImage("safe2.jpg");
imgS2 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS3 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS4 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS5 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
img1 = loadImage("locked11.png");
img2 = loadImage("locked12.png");
img3 = loadImage("locked13.png");
img4 = loadImage("locked14.png");
img5 = loadImage("locked15.png");
img6 = loadImage("unlocked1.png");
img7 = loadImage("unlocked2.png");
img8 = loadImage("unlocked3.png");
img9 = loadImage("unlocked4.png");
img10 = loadImage("unlocked5.png");
// setup the processing display window
size(displayWidth, displayHeight,JAVA2D);
// set the framerate to 30 frames/sec.
// set the ellipse drawing mode to: center.
// Create an instance of the LusidClient. The LusidClient expects
// an implementation of the 3 LusidOSC callback methods (see below).
lusidClient = new LusidClient(this);
// we're drawing text, so setup a font.
// turn smoothing on.
myMovie = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie2 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie3 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie4 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie5 = new Movie(this, "");
void draw()
// clear the background to white.
background(255, 255, 255);
// image(imgS, 0, 0);
// imgS.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
image(myMovie, 0, 0,width,height);
// get the list of all objects that are currently present
LusidObject[] lusidObjectList = lusidClient.getLusidObjects();
//shape 1
for (int i=0; i<lusidObjectList.length; i++) {
LusidObject lObj1 = lusidObjectList[i];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x1 = width/2 + lObj1.getX();
int y1 = height/2 - lObj1.getY();
float rotation1 = lObj1.getRotZ();
// set the fill color
fill(120, 120, 0);
//rect(x1, y1, 20, 20);
ellipse(x1, y1, 20, 20);
//shape 2
// now draw lines to all of the other objects.
// start at the next element in the list (i+1) since
// otherwise we'll repeat ourselves (drawing lines both ways).
for (int j=i+1; j<lusidObjectList.length; j++) {
LusidObject lObj2 = lusidObjectList[j];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x2 = width/2 + lObj2.getX();
int y2 = height/2 - lObj2.getY();
float rotation2 = lObj2.getRotZ();
fill(0, 128, 255, 120);
ellipse(x2, y2, 40, 40);
//shape 3
for (int k=j+1; k<lusidObjectList.length; k++) {
LusidObject lObj3 = lusidObjectList[k];
int x3 = width/2 + lObj3.getX();
int y3 = height/2 - lObj3.getY();
float rotation3 = lObj3.getRotZ();
fill(153, 0, 0, 80);
ellipse(x3, y3, 60, 60);
//shape 4
for (int m=k+1; m<lusidObjectList.length; m++) {
LusidObject lObj4 = lusidObjectList[m];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x4 = width/2 + lObj4.getX();
int y4 = height/2 - lObj4.getY();
float rotation4 = lObj4.getRotZ();
fill(0, 120, 0, 120);
ellipse(x4, y4, 80, 80);
//shape 5
for (int c=m+1; c<lusidObjectList.length; c++) {
LusidObject lObj5 = lusidObjectList[c];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x5 = width/2 + lObj5.getX();
int y5 = height/2 - lObj5.getY();
float rotation5 = lObj5.getRotZ();
fill(255, 128, 0, 120);
ellipse(x5, y5, 100, 100);
float d = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2);
float q = dist(x1, y1, x3, y3);
float z = dist(x1, y1, x4, y4);
float u = dist(x2, y2, x3, y3);
float h = dist(x4, x4, x5, y5);
println("Distance between objects Q: " + q);
println("Distance between objects D: " + d);
println("Distance between objects Z: " + z);
println("Distance between objects U: " + u);
println("Distance between objects H: " + h);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true)) {
image(myMovie2, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true)) {
image(myMovie3, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true) && (keyUnlock4 == true)) {
image(myMovie4, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true) && (keyUnlock4 == true) && (keyUnlock5 == true)) {
image(myMovie5, 0, 0,width,height);;
if ((d > 140) && (d < 160)) {
keyUnlock1 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock1 = false;
if (keyUnlock1 == true) {
//fill(204, 0, 102););
fill(152, 51, 255);
stroke(152, 51, 255);
image(img6, -50, 0);
img6.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if (keyUnlock1 == false) {
stroke(255, 255, 196, 80);
fill(0, 0, 0, 120);;
image(img1, 0, 0);
img1.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((q > 170) && (q < 195)) {
keyUnlock2 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock2 = false;
if (keyUnlock2 == true) {
stroke(204, 204, 51 );
image(img7, -50, 0);
img7.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if (keyUnlock2 == false) {
image(img2, 0, 0);
img2.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((z > 245) && (z < 265)) {
keyUnlock3 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock3 = false;
if (keyUnlock3 == true) {
image(img8, -50, 0);
img8.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
stroke(255, 0, 0 );
if (keyUnlock3 == false) {
image(img3, 0, 0);
img3.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((u > 155) && (u < 170)) {
keyUnlock4 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock4 = false;
if (keyUnlock4 == true) {
image(img9, -50, 0);
img9.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
stroke(255, 0, 0 );
if (keyUnlock4 == false) {
image(img4, 0, 0);
img4.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((h > 620) && (h < 660)) {
keyUnlock5 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock5 = false;
if (keyUnlock5 == true) {
image(img10, -50, 0);
img10.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
fill(255, 128, 0);
if (keyUnlock5 == false) {
image(img5, 0, 0);
img5.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
// calculate the mid-point between the two objects.
float xM = (x1+x2)/2;
float yM = (y1+y2)/2;
float xM2 = (x1+x3)/2;
float yM2 = (y1+y3)/2;
float xM3 = (x1+x4)/2;
float yM3 = (y1+y4)/2;
float xM7 = (x1+x5)/2;
float yM7 = (y1+y5)/2;
float xM4 = (x2+x1)/2;
float yM4 = (y2+y1)/2;
float xM5 = (x2+x3)/2;
float yM5 = (y2+y3)/2;
float xM6 = (x2+x4)/2;
float yM6 = (y2+y4)/2;
float xM8 = (x4+x5)/2;
float yM8 = (y4+y5)/2;
// use the distance to determine how quickly things vibrate.
float vibrationSpeed = 5000.0 / (d*d + 0.1);
// float vibrationSpeed = 2000.0 / (q*q + 0.1);
// just throw in some crazy numbers based on frameCount to make things vibrate...
float f = frameCount*vibrationSpeed;
// X1
bezier(x1, y1, xM + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM - 2*sin(f/3), yM - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM2 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM2 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM2 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM2 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM2 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 - 2*sin(f/3), yM2 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM3 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM3 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM3 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM3 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM3 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 - 2*sin(f/3), yM3 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x4, y4);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM5 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM5 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM5 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 2*sin(f/3), yM5 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x3, y3);
//bezier(x2, y2, xM6 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM6 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
//bezier(x2, y2, xM6 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM6 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
// bezier(x2, y2, xM6 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM6 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 2*sin(f/3), yM5 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x4, y4);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM8 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM8 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x5, y5);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM8 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM8 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x5, y5);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM8 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 - 2*sin(f/3), yM8 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x5, y5);
fill(0, 0, 0);
strokeWeight(2); // Thicker
font = loadFont("SecretAgency-48.vlw");
textFont(font, 24);
text(d, width/11-20, height-150);
text(q,width/3-110 , height-150);
text(z, width/2-60, height-150);
text(u, width/2+340, height-150);
text(h, width/1-240, height-150);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// these methods are called whenever a LusidOSC event occurs.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// called when an object is added to the scene
void addLusidObject(LusidObject lObj) {
// called when an object is removed from the scene
void removeLusidObject(LusidObject lObj) {
// called when an object is moved
void updateLusidObject (LusidObject lObj) {
void movieEvent(Movie m) {;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a helper class to get color data from Trackmate objects.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColorData{
color[] colors = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
final int INDEX_WHITE = 4;
final int INDEX_BLACK = 5;
boolean hasColorData = false;
public ColorData(LusidObject lObj){
if(lObj == null){
String colorString = lObj.getData();
String cArray[] = colorString.split(",");
if(cArray.length == 6){
for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
String cString = cArray[i];
if(cString.length() == 8){
int b = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(2,4), 16);
int g = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(4,6), 16);
int r = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(6,8), 16);
//println("cString = " + cString + " :: " +r+","+g+","+b);\
colors[i] = color(r,g,b);
hasColorData = true;
catch(Exception e){
println("color data attached to lusid object is bogus! :: " + colorString);
Review Of Applied Methodology
Once that was completed I then got feedback from friends and family who gave feedback on aspect of the sketch such as difficulty and presentation. The feedback received suggested that my sketch lacked a sufficient level of difficulty and the static background wasn't visually attractive for the audience.
This feedback would then serve as the primary focus in the next iteration and is reflected in 2nd piece of pseudo code. The way in which the difficultly issue was addressed in the second iteration is by implementing an additional three trackable objects which resulted in a total of five trackable objects for the whole sketch. Theses additional objects enabled me to implement more stages to the encryption puzzle resulting in the user needing to solve the distances of five objects before the sketch is completed. I believe this greatly increased the complexity of the sketch therefore solving the difficulty issue addressed in the feedback. These changes were undertaken in a process of constant implementation and testing as I wanted the distances between the objects to vary and not be predictable to the user.
To solve the "static visuals" issue I implemented video backgrounds which were made using the Adobe After effects software. After Effects enabled me to use the static image of a safe as a background aswell as apply dynamic distortion effects which hindered the visual clarity of the background image. This method enabled me to apply multiple "layers" of distortion effects which easily allowed me to disable certain effects as the user progresses in the puzzle. The disadvantage of doing this is that the file size of the project increased massively as the project folder now had to accommodate five different video files. The production of the videos was done relatively quickly due to the disabling of effects method I used which was helpful as the videos were rendered and altered multiple times before I was satisfied with them.
One issue I have with this type of project methodology is that after every iteration I had the feeling that my project still had aspects which could be improved which ultimately results in an endless cycle of development until the deadline is reached.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Contextual Influence of Project
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Interactive Interface Design
My project utilizes a navigation method which involves the movement of trackable objects. The objects would be tracked using a webcam and the object's positions would be represented on the digital display instantly. The user would know relatively soon after interacting with the objects that there positions are significant in the decryption of the puzzle due the visual feedback being provided by the sketches display.
I'm hoping that the this navigation method could be used intuitively much like a mouse however the tests so far undertaken by me, suggest that the webcam isn't 100% reliable when tracking the objects positions therefore resulting in a navigation method which isn't as immersive or intuitive as a mouse.
Saturday, 17 January 2015
Problems & Design Solutions
Problem 1: Project lacks sufficient difficulty
Design Solution:
Problem 2: Display is static and unattractive
Design Solution:
Problem 3: Display lacks visual feedback for the user
Design Solution:
Problem 4: Webcam light in Shoebox contraption generates too much glare
Design Solution:
Problem 5: Mac Mini in foyer space only has one USB slot, shoebox contraption requires two USB slots (Light & Camera)
Design Solution:
Problem 5: Permanent smudges and glue residue on reflective acrylic surface
Design Solution:
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Stages Of Decryption In Display Project
Layer 1 (Start):
This is the first background the user will see and it's the most distorted out of all the backgrounds as it utilizes various distortion techniques such warping and blurring .
Layer 2:
Layer 3:
Layer 4:
Layer 5 (Final):
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
ShoeBox Contraption Completion & Testing
The objects weren't detected by the webcam as quickly I would of hoped and there certain spaces where the glare off the glass base is too intense that the webcam cant see the trackable tag.
During a long period of testing I was able to complete four of the five encryptions on my sketch however due to the glare issue I was unable to generate the required distance to complete the final encryption.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Mid- Project review
Saturday, 3 January 2015
Dynamic Background
I have updated the background for my sketch from a static image background and changed it into a dynamic video background. The video was made in Adobe After Effects enabling me to apply effects which distort the background image in a dynamic way. This dynamic distortion fits the criteria of the concept i've chosen and i'm planning to utilize this video method various times in the sketch. One disadvantage of utilizing videos is the file size for the sketch will dramatically increase however it may be possible to compress these videos to reduce file size.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Processing Project: Padlock System Alteration
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Testing Functionality
The image below is of me testing the tags using the trackmate tracker. From these tests it's seems that the optimal distance from the tags to the camera is about arms length which approximately 2 feet.
However the optimal distance for the smaller tags was much shorter approximately 1 foot. This was an important test as the size of the tags may be significant when I test my project in the foyer space.
An alternative would be remove the need for the user to lift the taggable objects by creating a contraption like this;
The shoebox design basically means the user would need to just slide the objects across a reflective surface as the camera located inside the shoebox would track the tags which would be stuck on the bottom of the objects. Creating a contraption like this would likely be the best method as it would ensure that the objects remain a fixed distance from the camera.
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Processing Project: Padlock System
Monday, 29 December 2014
Display Project Progress Update
At the moment the prototype is only coded so that it measures the distance between objects 1 & 2, 1 & 3 and 1& 4. This results in one object ultimately linking too one.
Friday, 26 December 2014
Cryptography & Steganography

Steganography is a different type of decryption from Cryptography as a crypto-system doesn't conceal it's true purpose. A cypto system can be interacted with by anybody however almost impossible to access without the vital key. A Steganography system is different as it aims at concealing the existence of the message all together therefore not attracting the attention of third parties.
An example of a Steganography encryption method would be writing in invisible ink, the message and method wouldn't be known by third parties however the receiver would have knowledge of the method therefore enabling them to decrypt the message.
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Updated Pseudo Code
The new method I'm proposing involves the same "if" statement method used in the previous pseudo code however the statements will be made "true" based on the distances between each object instead of their individual positions on the grid.
loadImage= Unlocked1.PNG
Make background image is clear andnot distorted.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Processing Progress Update
Monday, 8 December 2014
Project Methodology
I will keep a log of the development of the project on my blog and go into detail on key elements of the development.
Pseudo Code For Public Display
This is the pseudo code for my public display project, this is a rough plan on how I imagine the project to function. The sketch will begin with a pointilized background which isn't clear and needs to be distorted by decrypting the puzzle by putting physical objects in the correct order.
Step 1: If tracked object #1 is in the first quarter of the screen width part1= true
Step 2: If tracked object #2 is in the second quarter of the screen width part2 = true
Step 3: If tracked object #3 is in the third quarter of the screen width part3 = true
Step 4: If tracked object #4 is in the forth quarter of the screen width part4 = true
Step 5: While part1 = true
play sound = correct.wav
fill first quarter of screen with yellow
Step 6: While part2 = true
play sound = correct.wav
fill second quarter of screen with 50% opacity green
Step 7: While part3 = true
play sound = correct.wav
fill third quarter of screen with 50% opacity green
Step 8: While part4 = true
play sound = correct.wav
fill forth quarter of screen with 50% opacity green
Step 9: While part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 = true
play sound = complete.wav
pointillize image with smaller dots so image is clear and
not distorted.