This is the source code for the final version of my sketch. I'm overall happy with the functionality of the processing code, most of the problems are related to the shoebox contraption rather than the actual code itself.
import lusidOSC.*;
LusidClient lusidClient;
PFont font;
PImage img1;
PImage img2;
PImage img3;
PImage img4;
PImage img5;
PImage img6;
PImage img7;
PImage img8;
PImage img9;
PImage img10;
PImage imgS;
PImage imgS2;
PImage imgS3;
PImage imgS4;
PImage imgS5;
boolean keyUnlock1 = false;
boolean keyUnlock2 = false;
boolean keyUnlock3 = false;
boolean keyUnlock4 = false;
boolean keyUnlock5 = false;
Movie myMovie;
Movie myMovie2;
Movie myMovie3;
Movie myMovie4;
Movie myMovie5;
boolean sketchFullScreen() {
return true;
// setup: gets called once when the application starts.
void setup()
imgS = loadImage("safe2.jpg");
imgS2 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS3 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS4 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
imgS5 = loadImage("safe.jpg");
img1 = loadImage("locked11.png");
img2 = loadImage("locked12.png");
img3 = loadImage("locked13.png");
img4 = loadImage("locked14.png");
img5 = loadImage("locked15.png");
img6 = loadImage("unlocked1.png");
img7 = loadImage("unlocked2.png");
img8 = loadImage("unlocked3.png");
img9 = loadImage("unlocked4.png");
img10 = loadImage("unlocked5.png");
// setup the processing display window
size(displayWidth, displayHeight,JAVA2D);
// set the framerate to 30 frames/sec.
// set the ellipse drawing mode to: center.
// Create an instance of the LusidClient. The LusidClient expects
// an implementation of the 3 LusidOSC callback methods (see below).
lusidClient = new LusidClient(this);
// we're drawing text, so setup a font.
// turn smoothing on.
myMovie = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie2 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie3 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie4 = new Movie(this, "");
myMovie5 = new Movie(this, "");
void draw()
// clear the background to white.
background(255, 255, 255);
// image(imgS, 0, 0);
// imgS.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
image(myMovie, 0, 0,width,height);
// get the list of all objects that are currently present
LusidObject[] lusidObjectList = lusidClient.getLusidObjects();
//shape 1
for (int i=0; i<lusidObjectList.length; i++) {
LusidObject lObj1 = lusidObjectList[i];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x1 = width/2 + lObj1.getX();
int y1 = height/2 - lObj1.getY();
float rotation1 = lObj1.getRotZ();
// set the fill color
fill(120, 120, 0);
//rect(x1, y1, 20, 20);
ellipse(x1, y1, 20, 20);
//shape 2
// now draw lines to all of the other objects.
// start at the next element in the list (i+1) since
// otherwise we'll repeat ourselves (drawing lines both ways).
for (int j=i+1; j<lusidObjectList.length; j++) {
LusidObject lObj2 = lusidObjectList[j];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x2 = width/2 + lObj2.getX();
int y2 = height/2 - lObj2.getY();
float rotation2 = lObj2.getRotZ();
fill(0, 128, 255, 120);
ellipse(x2, y2, 40, 40);
//shape 3
for (int k=j+1; k<lusidObjectList.length; k++) {
LusidObject lObj3 = lusidObjectList[k];
int x3 = width/2 + lObj3.getX();
int y3 = height/2 - lObj3.getY();
float rotation3 = lObj3.getRotZ();
fill(153, 0, 0, 80);
ellipse(x3, y3, 60, 60);
//shape 4
for (int m=k+1; m<lusidObjectList.length; m++) {
LusidObject lObj4 = lusidObjectList[m];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x4 = width/2 + lObj4.getX();
int y4 = height/2 - lObj4.getY();
float rotation4 = lObj4.getRotZ();
fill(0, 120, 0, 120);
ellipse(x4, y4, 80, 80);
//shape 5
for (int c=m+1; c<lusidObjectList.length; c++) {
LusidObject lObj5 = lusidObjectList[c];
// shift the X and Y so they are centered on the screen.
int x5 = width/2 + lObj5.getX();
int y5 = height/2 - lObj5.getY();
float rotation5 = lObj5.getRotZ();
fill(255, 128, 0, 120);
ellipse(x5, y5, 100, 100);
float d = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2);
float q = dist(x1, y1, x3, y3);
float z = dist(x1, y1, x4, y4);
float u = dist(x2, y2, x3, y3);
float h = dist(x4, x4, x5, y5);
println("Distance between objects Q: " + q);
println("Distance between objects D: " + d);
println("Distance between objects Z: " + z);
println("Distance between objects U: " + u);
println("Distance between objects H: " + h);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true)) {
image(myMovie2, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true)) {
image(myMovie3, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true) && (keyUnlock4 == true)) {
image(myMovie4, 0, 0,width,height);
if ( (keyUnlock1 == true) && (keyUnlock2 == true) && (keyUnlock3 == true) && (keyUnlock4 == true) && (keyUnlock5 == true)) {
image(myMovie5, 0, 0,width,height);;
if ((d > 140) && (d < 160)) {
keyUnlock1 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock1 = false;
if (keyUnlock1 == true) {
//fill(204, 0, 102););
fill(152, 51, 255);
stroke(152, 51, 255);
image(img6, -50, 0);
img6.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if (keyUnlock1 == false) {
stroke(255, 255, 196, 80);
fill(0, 0, 0, 120);;
image(img1, 0, 0);
img1.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((q > 170) && (q < 195)) {
keyUnlock2 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock2 = false;
if (keyUnlock2 == true) {
stroke(204, 204, 51 );
image(img7, -50, 0);
img7.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if (keyUnlock2 == false) {
image(img2, 0, 0);
img2.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((z > 245) && (z < 265)) {
keyUnlock3 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock3 = false;
if (keyUnlock3 == true) {
image(img8, -50, 0);
img8.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
stroke(255, 0, 0 );
if (keyUnlock3 == false) {
image(img3, 0, 0);
img3.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((u > 155) && (u < 170)) {
keyUnlock4 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock4 = false;
if (keyUnlock4 == true) {
image(img9, -50, 0);
img9.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
stroke(255, 0, 0 );
if (keyUnlock4 == false) {
image(img4, 0, 0);
img4.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
if ((h > 620) && (h < 660)) {
keyUnlock5 = true;
} else {
keyUnlock5 = false;
if (keyUnlock5 == true) {
image(img10, -50, 0);
img10.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
fill(255, 128, 0);
if (keyUnlock5 == false) {
image(img5, 0, 0);
img5.resize(displayWidth, displayHeight);
// calculate the mid-point between the two objects.
float xM = (x1+x2)/2;
float yM = (y1+y2)/2;
float xM2 = (x1+x3)/2;
float yM2 = (y1+y3)/2;
float xM3 = (x1+x4)/2;
float yM3 = (y1+y4)/2;
float xM7 = (x1+x5)/2;
float yM7 = (y1+y5)/2;
float xM4 = (x2+x1)/2;
float yM4 = (y2+y1)/2;
float xM5 = (x2+x3)/2;
float yM5 = (y2+y3)/2;
float xM6 = (x2+x4)/2;
float yM6 = (y2+y4)/2;
float xM8 = (x4+x5)/2;
float yM8 = (y4+y5)/2;
// use the distance to determine how quickly things vibrate.
float vibrationSpeed = 5000.0 / (d*d + 0.1);
// float vibrationSpeed = 2000.0 / (q*q + 0.1);
// just throw in some crazy numbers based on frameCount to make things vibrate...
float f = frameCount*vibrationSpeed;
// X1
bezier(x1, y1, xM + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM - 2*sin(f/3), yM - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x2, y2);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM2 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM2 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM2 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM2 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM2 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM2 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM2 - 2*sin(f/3), yM2 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x3, y3);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM3 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM3 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM3 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM3 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
bezier(x1, y1, xM3 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM3 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM3 - 2*sin(f/3), yM3 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x4, y4);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM5 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM5 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x3, y3);
bezier(x2, y2, xM5 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM5 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 2*sin(f/3), yM5 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x3, y3);
//bezier(x2, y2, xM6 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM6 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
//bezier(x2, y2, xM6 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM6 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM5 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x4, y4);
// bezier(x2, y2, xM6 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM6 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM5 - 2*sin(f/3), yM5 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x4, y4);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 + 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM8 + 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 - 8*sin(f/1.7), yM8 - 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x5, y5);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 - 7*sin(f/2+i*3+j), yM8 - 10*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 + 8*sin(f/1.7), yM8 + 8*sin(f/3 + +i+j*4), x5, y5);
bezier(x4, y4, xM8 + 5*sin(f*1.5+i*4+j), yM8 + 3*sin(f/2+i+j), xM8 - 2*sin(f/3), yM8 - 7*sin(f +i+j*5), x5, y5);
fill(0, 0, 0);
strokeWeight(2); // Thicker
font = loadFont("SecretAgency-48.vlw");
textFont(font, 24);
text(d, width/11-20, height-150);
text(q,width/3-110 , height-150);
text(z, width/2-60, height-150);
text(u, width/2+340, height-150);
text(h, width/1-240, height-150);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// these methods are called whenever a LusidOSC event occurs.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// called when an object is added to the scene
void addLusidObject(LusidObject lObj) {
// called when an object is removed from the scene
void removeLusidObject(LusidObject lObj) {
// called when an object is moved
void updateLusidObject (LusidObject lObj) {
void movieEvent(Movie m) {;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a helper class to get color data from Trackmate objects.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColorData{
color[] colors = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
final int INDEX_WHITE = 4;
final int INDEX_BLACK = 5;
boolean hasColorData = false;
public ColorData(LusidObject lObj){
if(lObj == null){
String colorString = lObj.getData();
String cArray[] = colorString.split(",");
if(cArray.length == 6){
for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
String cString = cArray[i];
if(cString.length() == 8){
int b = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(2,4), 16);
int g = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(4,6), 16);
int r = Integer.parseInt(cString.substring(6,8), 16);
//println("cString = " + cString + " :: " +r+","+g+","+b);\
colors[i] = color(r,g,b);
hasColorData = true;
catch(Exception e){
println("color data attached to lusid object is bogus! :: " + colorString);