Monday 20 October 2014

Previous IT Projects (Part 2)

When building my security robot for my IT business project my overall design was greatly influenced by the needs/objectives specified by the client. In the development of a project it's basic practise to initially build something with functionality as the primary focus however as digital media designers we go beyond raw functionality and design our projects to challenge and engage our audience's senses.  Here's a document which outlines the design decisions caused by particular objectives for my IT project.

Storyboarding designs influenced by objectives

Objective 1:

The way in which the design of my robot has been influenced by objectives was that in my designs I made the sensor angle upwards so that I would detect higher objects. I included the design in my storyboard which shows that I implemented this in my design

Objective 2:

The way my designs have been influenced by objective 2 was to make my robot as small as possible so that it can remain undetectable to intruders. I will try to include the fewest amount of Lego components as possible without hindering performance.

Objective 3:

This objective influenced the programming and not the physical design. I will have to implement a forever loop on the NXT program for the robot and a wait block so that it will forever detect intruders after a 10 seconds cool down period between each detection.

Objective 4:

This objective influenced me to think that I will need to have another NXT brick in order to relay the detection secretly. I needed to think about the programming for the receiving brick as well as how to connect the Bluetooth together. This influenced the design of my pseudo code.

Objective 5:

During the planning of the project I believed that this is a serious factor in the project and I must be able to make the whole “Send Intrusion Message” function work correctly and work quickly. This influenced me to look at the various ways In which I’m able to send messages using the NXT bricks so Blue tooth became heavily involved in the design of the robot as well as in the programming. The use of Blue-tooth would need to be explained in my user guide as well as the Technical document. Blue-tooth also influenced me to look for additional ideas for  future development of the project. The use of Blue-tooth also improved the design of the project because in the early stages of planning the project I was thinking of using a wired technique of relaying detection messages but the blue-tooth enables the robot to stay as small as possible and without needing the change the physical design of the robot.

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