Thursday 13 February 2014

Channel Project Summary

Yesterday we presented our finished channel projects and I have mixed feelings about our project. I was really pleased with website Alex had created for our brand and it clearly showed how much hard work he had put into it.

 I was also pleased with the logo designs Tom had created, as they had developed quite nicely since the one day project and we ultimately ended up with a logo which I think conveys our company's values as well as looking professional.

 One aspect of the project I wasn't so happy with was the videos as they were rushed and poorly edited by the person assigned the role from the beginning of the project. I think the videos significantly hindered the quality of the project as they weren't a consistent resolution or aspect ratio and the video was compressed way too much.
In future projects I think its important that all members of the group contribute equally and to ensure this happens I think we should set mini deadlines for each group member to ensure that the project's development isn't hindered by other group members which was clearly the case in this project.

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